We offer top quality men's grooming products that promote healthy looking hair, beard and skin.

The Difference Between Beard Oil and Beard Balm

No one wants dry and flaky skin or a brittle beard, which is why your beard and the skin underneath need to be conditioned and moisturized. Beard oil and beard balm achieve both, but they have a few defining differences.

Uncle Jimmy Beard Gro Balm

What Is Beard Balm Used For?

Most men who use beard balm have mid-length to long beards or curly and unruly shorter beards. Our Beard Balm has primarily the same ingredients as oil, with thick and creamy shea butter to provide a soft hold. In addition to hold, balm does a better job of smoothing and taming your beard, without the look and feel of a heavy product. However, it’s not a strong enough hold for a mustache handlebar. Balm will keep your beard looking natural and will moisturize and condition your beard and skin. Brush through to ensure it is evenly distributed.

Uncle Jimmy Beard Oil

What Is Beard Oil Used For? 

If you are rocking a goatee, scruff, or short beard oil may be all you need. A little bit of oil goes a long way for shorter beards, and not to worry about an oily finish as it will absorb quickly into your beard and skin. Oil may initially provide a slight shine, but within a few minutes will dry to a matte and smooth finish. If your beard is mid-length but you prefer oil, use a beard brush or comb to ensure the oil is evenly distributed throughout. If your beard is longer but isn’t unruly, you can use beard oil for a silky-smooth look and feel.

Other Considerations For Choosing A Beard Balm Vs. Beard Oil

Even if your beard is short or easy to manage, you may prefer a beard balm if you have dry or brittle beard hair—or if your skin is dry or itchy. While oil conditions and moisturizes, balm will remain on the surface of your hair and skin longer, providing a protective layer. Our skin is often drier during the winter months meaning you may only use a balm when the weather is cold. Some men use both oil and balm, but never at the same time. This might mean using balm one or two days a week as a deep conditioner, or using balm when your beard is on the longer side, and oil after it’s been trimmed and styled. Finally, some oils are specially formulated to help grow out your patchy or short beard.

Uncle Jimmy Products Natural Ingredients

Make Sure Your Ingredients Are Natural

I know, most men don’t spend a lot of time reading grooming product labels, but it’s a must when selecting beard care products. This is for two primary reasons. First up, the hair on your beard may be far more brittle than the hair on your head and chemically-derived products will only dry it out more. Second, you need a product that is gentle enough for both the skin on your face and your beard hair.

Now that you know the difference between beard oil and beard balm, you just have to find what’s right for you. Uncle Jimmy’s is excited to announce the addition of our new Shea Butter Beard Balm!


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